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College Tuition Assistant by FASNY

In most areas of New York State, it is citizen volunteers who respond to emergency situations. Due to a variety of factors, New York’s volunteer fire departments are currently experiencing a critical need to recruit and retain members.

As an incentive for individuals to serve in New York’s volunteer fire service, the Firefighters Association of the State of New York (FASNY) has developed the Higher Education Learning Plan (FASNY HELP). This program will provide tuition reimbursement to student-volunteers attending a New York State chartered college or taking online courses through Empire State College, as long as they are providing active service to a New York State volunteer department. Individuals who already have a college degree are also eligible to participate in the FASNY HELP program.

FASNY HELP “Student-Volunteers” are eligible to have up to 100% of their tuition reimbursed (with any single semester award not to exceed $1,500) in exchange for maintaining defined grades and fulfilling established service requirements in one of New York’s volunteer fire companies. There is no restriction on the type of academic course(s) the FASNY HELP student-volunteer can pursue. To participate in FASNY HELP you must be an active volunteer firefighter in good standing. Student-volunteers must re-apply each semester they with to participate in FASNY HELP.

Tuition help is still available, apply now!  Fill out the information on the following wb page: